Lucasfilms Animation announced this week there would be major changes occurring in their division, citing that the company "...has decided to pursue a new direction in animated programming. We are exploring a whole new Star Wars series set in a time period previously untouched in Star Wars films or television programming." With that in mind two projects, the aforementioned Clone Wars series and the yet-to-be-released Star Wars: Detours project, which involved fanboy heavy-hitter Seth Green, would be put on indefinite hold as Lucasfilms diverts its efforts elsewhere despite an outpouring of support by fans to save the show.
In other news, the RED BAND TRAILER (NSFW) to Kick-Ass 2 has hit the I-waves today. The movie is set to release in August of this year and is the follow-up to the critical and financial hit of 2010. Kick-Ass 2 picks up several years after the events of the first and pits Kick-Ass and Hit Girl along with a league of inspired heroes against The Red Mist (now calling himself The Mother F*cker) and his legion of evil. The new film boasts more screen time for now-16-year-old Chloe G. Moretz (she was 11 at the time the first movie was made), an ensemble cast and a supporting role by legendary funnyman Jim Carrey as the new hero Colonel Stars and Stripes. The movie will hit theaters on August 16th.
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