Monday, March 31, 2014

On a serious note; how to "cope with being a nerd."

I don't know how many of you went through the trials of being unpopular in high school; I wasn't "unpopular" per say but I can promise you I wasn't sitting at the same table as the captain of the basketball team or the prom queen.  I was what you'd call a floater; I was friendly with people in all the clicks but I was never a member of those groups and I spent most of my time hanging out reading comics, going to movies and playing the occasional RPG.

I loved science.  I liked math (when I understood it).  I was in the show choir and I liked gaming.  I got made fun of or just ignored.  Maybe you went through these things, maybe you didn't.  It took me until college to figure out there was nothing wrong with me, I was just in the wrong place with the wrong people.  You could even say I was "born again" in Madison.

Why such a serious tone in this post, you might ask?  Well, a key figure in our movement, Mr. Wil Wheaton, has a video from last year that is going viral and deals with exactly this issue.  It's tough being a kid who loves things that the majority of people think are stupid or "nerdy."  When asked about it by a little girl during a panel, Wil answered it the only way he saw how, honestly and poignantly.  I won't spoil anything.  I will just let you watch it and think.


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